
About me

About Gabriel Shin.

I am 15, I live in Honolulu Hawaii, and I love computers.

I've got another blog website for the computers I build and sell here.

I wrote a general knowledge base on computers here for anyone who wants to learn about computers. I'm constantly expanding it with the time I have and the input I get, request a topic @

I like good games of DotA, building computers, FPS games, taking apart computers, and LAN parties.

I don't like stern talks, the feel when you break a RAM stick, or when you touch the underside of a CPU.

About this blog.

It's obviously portal themed. It's like my favorite story game of all time. I post the stuff I do everyday, the games I play, the computers I dismantle, that stuff. Subscribe via email if you care?

About the games I play.

Blacklight: Retribution
Some of you may or may not know I play this free-to-play game on steam called "Blacklight: Retribution". It's a super fast paced FPS with the customization of your laptop.
Seriously, you can change everything about your character and your guns, down to the muzzle, barrel, magazine, scope, stock, and camo. Freakin' awesome.
If you want to join me, my IGN is gabriel11798, and you can make an account by clicking on this sentence.

DotA 2 (Defense of the Ancients 2)
My favorite heroes are Juggernaut, Earthshaker, Disruptor, and Puck. I'm a baller Earthshaker nuker.

Battlefield 3 and 4.
I play both, my battlelog name is ThinkinWithCake. Add me if you want, just know that I hardly play BF3 anymore, since there's BF4. I'm an engineer if you need to know.

Call me maybe?

My name around most of the internet is ThinkinWithCake. My old username was gabriel11798, but I never create accounts with that name anymore. I still use accounts with that name, like Blacklight Retribution.

My email:




If you know me in person, I can probably fix your computer/laptop issues as long as it's not a iMac. Those are like the playskool toys of the computer building universe.